• Become an OTD Designer
    • OTD is always looking for creative, competent and independent designers to join our team. We utilize product/ industrial designers, 3-D modelers, graphic and packaging designers, and illustrators. For more information please send your resume and some samples of your work to this link.


Our designers are experienced, talented and award-winning product, furniture, toy, packaging, and graphic designers. If required for a project, OTD can provide specific expertise in 3-D modeling, illustration, costing/ value engineering, printing, materials, and other fields. Although individual designers are responsible for the particular projects that lie within their field of expertise, our multi-disciplinary approach gives them access to a wide variety of perspectives and insight.

Founder Profile: Andrew March

Andrew has extensive design and development experience in the tabletop, domestic product and houseware fields. Before founding OTD three years ago, Andrew worked for companies as diverse as Samsonite; the Providence Children's Museum; Exhibit A, a tradeshow booth design and fabrication company; and as an Assistant Style Editor for the craft segment of Martha Stewart Living Television. He also worked as a product designer and team leader for five years for the Michael Graves Design Group, working on a wide variety of award-winning tabletop, soft goods, kitchen, furniture and home products for clients such as Target, Hasbro, Dansk and Brita.
Andrew applies his diverse educational background and wide ranging array of interests to running OTD. Before receiving his Masters of Industrial Design from Rhode Island School of Design, in 1999, he earned degrees in theater performance and French language. He possesses an insatiable curiosity for how machines, materials, people and the natural world work.


To view Andrew's personal portfolio and resume, click here.


Bubble Bucket
